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 A Cautionary Tale: Roger’s Testimony of Love Scam and Deception

Roger's Testimony of Love Scam and Deception


A Cautionary Tale: Roger’s Testimony of Love Scam and Deception 



My name is Roger Thompson. I’m 72 years old and hail from Nevada. I never imagined that, at this stage in my life, I would become a victim of a love scam that would not only shatter my trust but also drain my life savings. My story began in February 2024 when I signed up on Match.com, hoping to find companionship. Little did I know that this journey would lead to heartbreak and a loss of $930,000.00. I want to share my story to warn others about the dangers that lurk in online dating and to emphasize the importance of being vigilant while searching for love.


 The Beginning


It all started innocently enough. After losing my wife to cancer a few years ago, I found myself feeling lonely. My children, all grown and busy with their lives, encouraged me to give online dating a try. They said it might help me find someone to share my days with. So, I created a profile on Match.com, hoping to meet someone who would understand and appreciate me.


In early February, I received a message from a lady named Susan. Her profile picture showed a beautiful woman in her late 60s, with kind eyes and a warm smile. Her message was simple, expressing interest in my profile and asking about my hobbies. We began exchanging messages, and our conversations flowed naturally. She seemed genuinely interested in my life, asking about my family, my interests, and my experiences. Her responses were thoughtful and caring, making me feel valued and understood.


 Building Trust


Over the next few weeks, our chats became more frequent. Susan shared stories about her life, claiming to be a retired nurse who had moved to Nevada to be closer to her family. She spoke of her late husband and how she was also seeking companionship. Her story resonated with mine, and I felt a deep connection with her. We exchanged phone numbers and began talking on the phone. Her voice was soothing, and our conversations lasted for hours. It felt like I had known her forever.


Susan was very convincing. She never asked for anything initially, which made me trust her even more. She would send me pictures of her daily life, her supposed family, and even her garden. Everything seemed so real. She often talked about visiting me and planning a future together. The thought of having someone to share my life with again filled me with hope and happiness.


The Start of the Scam


As our relationship grew stronger, Susan mentioned a business opportunity. She claimed to have connections in the gold trading industry and suggested that we could invest together to secure our future. She explained how gold prices were rising and how it was a safe investment. At first, I was hesitant. I had never been involved in such investments before, but Susan’s assurances and my desire to support our future made me consider it.


In April 2024, Susan told me about an urgent opportunity to buy gold at a discounted rate, promising high returns. She suggested that I invest $50,000.00. After much contemplation and reassurance from Susan, I wired the money to the account she provided. She thanked me profusely and assured me that our investment was secure. Over the next few months, Susan continued to present more opportunities, each time with a higher investment amount. I trusted her completely and transferred money several times, believing that we were building a future together.


The Realization


By May  2024, I had transferred over $930,000.00 to various accounts that Susan had provided. She always had plausible explanations for the delays in returns, citing issues with international banks or legal hurdles. However, as time went on, my doubts grew. I noticed inconsistencies in her stories, and she became harder to reach. When I confronted her about the investments, she became defensive and eventually stopped responding altogether.


Panic set in. I tried contacting the banks and authorities, but it was too late. The accounts were untraceable, and Susan had vanished. I had been scammed. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I had lost my life savings to a woman who never existed. The emotional and financial toll was devastating. I felt embarrassed and ashamed for being so gullible, and I struggled to explain to my family what had happened.


The Aftermath


The aftermath of the scam was the hardest part. Not only had I lost my savings, but I also felt a profound sense of betrayal. I had opened my heart to someone who preyed on my vulnerability. The experience left me wary of trusting others and deeply affected my mental health. My children were supportive, but it was hard for them to understand how I had been so easily deceived.


I reported the scam to the authorities and shared my story on online forums to warn others. I learned that I was not alone; many others had fallen victim to similar scams. It was a small comfort to know that I was not the only one, but it also highlighted the need for greater awareness and caution.


 Romance Scam Recovery


Recovering from a romance scam is a long and painful process. I found some solace in support groups and online communities where others shared their experiences. Learning that there are organizations dedicated to helping scam victims was a relief. They offered advice on steps to take, including how to report a romance scam and seek legal assistance. Financial recovery was another matter. I had to accept that most of my money was gone. I reached out to my bank, but the chances of recovering the funds were slim. However, sharing my story and spreading awareness became a form of therapy for me.


A Word of Caution


My experience has taught me a valuable lesson that I want to share with others: Be extremely cautious when searching for love online. Scammers are adept at exploiting emotions and building trust over time. Here are some tips to help others avoid falling into the same trap:


  1. Verify Information: Always verify the identity of the person you are talking to. Use video calls to confirm their identity and cross-check their stories.
  2. Be Skeptical:  If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is . Be wary of investment opportunities or requests for money.
  3. Trust Your Instincts:  If you feel something is off, trust your instincts and investigate further.
  4. Seek Advice:  Talk to friends and family about your online relationships. They can offer an objective perspective and help identify red flags.
  5. Report Suspicious Activity:  If you suspect that you are being scammed, report it to the authorities immediately.




While the quest for companionship and love is a natural part of life, it is crucial to approach online dating with caution. Scammers like the one I encountered on Match.com are skilled at manipulating emotions and exploiting trust. By sharing my story, I hope to prevent others from experiencing the same heartbreak and financial loss that I did. Remember to stay vigilant, verify information, and seek advice from trusted sources. Love can be found online, but it is essential to protect yourself and be aware of the risks involved. Romance scam recovery is possible, but prevention is always better than cure. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, do not hesitate to report the romance scam and seek support.

Picture of John Doe
John Doe

Passionate and knowledgeable, our blog author brings valuable insights and expertise to empower readers in various aspects of life.

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